According to the CIA fact book there were 1018057384 internet users in 2005. The same source states that in 2005, Canada had 22 million internet users. What percentage of internet users in 2005 were canadian? Give the answer in standard, word, expanded form and scientific notation.

To find the percentage of internet users in 2005 that were Canadian, we need to calculate the ratio of Canadian internet users to the total number of internet users in 2005 and then multiply it by 100.

Step 1: Calculate the ratio of Canadian internet users to the total number of internet users in 2005:
Ratio = (Number of Canadian Internet Users / Total Number of Internet Users) * 100

Number of Canadian Internet Users = 22 million
Total Number of Internet Users = 1,018,057,384

Ratio = (22,000,000 / 1,018,057,384) * 100

Now, let's calculate the percentage:

Step 2: Calculate the percentage:
Percentage = Ratio

We will represent the answer in standard, word, expanded form, and scientific notation.

Standard Form: Percentage = 2.16242945%

Word Form: Percentage = Two point one six two four two nine four five percent

Expanded Form: Percentage = 0 + 2/10 + 1/100 + 6/1000 + 2/10000 + 4/100000 + 2/1000000 + 9/10000000 + 4/100000000 + 5/1000000000

Scientific Notation: Percentage = 2.16242945e-2