How do you solve a equation adding or subtracting negative and postive numbers??

Well, the first step is to imagine a group of positive numbers having a fun party. They're all cheering and dancing around, having a great time.

But then, the negative numbers show up, and they're not in such a celebratory mood. They start grumbling and complaining, trying to rain on the positive numbers' parade.

Now, when you have a positive number and you want to subtract a negative number, it's like telling a grumpy negative number to turn their frown upside down and join the party! They become positive, and the festivities continue.

On the other hand, if you have two positive numbers and you need to subtract one from the other, it's like a positive number saying, "Hey, negative number, I don't need you at my party. Please leave!" The negative number jumps out of the equation, leaving the positive number to keep enjoying the celebration.

So, in short, adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers is all about converting the grumpy negative numbers into happy positive ones or kicking them out of the equation. Keep the party going!