Sara overhears her 21 old son,Joe telling his friends on the phone that he wants to with two girls he just met at the mall.Joe's desire:

A expresses the male tendeny to commit to arelationship
B is an example of male nurturance
C expresses the male tendency to more willingly with relatively unknown partners
D is learned from watching the behavior of his friends
I think correct answer is B OR C PLEASE HELP ME

You apparently didn't look up the word "nurturance."

Isnt this d ?

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options:

A. Expresses the male tendency to commit to a relationship: Based on the information provided, Joe's statement does not necessarily suggest a desire to commit to a relationship. He simply expresses an interest in having sex with two girls he just met.

B. Is an example of male nurturance: While it is possible that this desire could be related to a nurturing instinct, it is not explicitly mentioned in the given information, making it less likely to be the correct answer.

C. Expresses the male tendency to more willingly with relatively unknown partners: This option aligns more closely with the information provided as Joe indicates a desire to engage in a sexual encounter with two newly met individuals. Therefore, this option is a plausible answer.

D. Is learned from watching the behavior of his friends: The given information does not provide any evidence to suggest that Joe's desire is learned from his friends' behavior. So, this option seems less likely to be correct.

Based on the analysis, option C (expresses the male tendency to more willingly with relatively unknown partners) seems to be the most appropriate answer. However, it's worth noting that individual experiences and perspectives can vary, and the accuracy of the answer may depend on more comprehensive information and context.