Late into the night, Isabel is often studying.

Is the complete predicate is often studying?

Is the simple predicate studying?

The complete predicate also includes "Late into the night." This adverb phrase modifies "is studying" and tells when.

Isabel is often studying late into the night.

The simple predicate is is studying. You need the helping verb as well as the main verb for the simple predicate.

she even knows a little Chinese

what is the simple predicate in "she even knows a little Chinese"?


To identify the complete predicate in a sentence, you need to first identify the simple predicate. The simple predicate is the main verb or action of the sentence.

In the given sentence, the simple predicate is "is studying." It consists of the helping verb "is" and the main verb "studying."

The complete predicate includes the simple predicate and any words that modify or describe it. In this case, since there are no modifiers or additional words, the complete predicate is simply "is often studying".

Therefore, both the complete predicate and the simple predicate in the sentence "Late into the night, Isabel is often studying" is "is often studying."