I need help with a crossword and I cant figure out what the words are too these clues:

Possible opening found in the cell membrane

substance which makes up cell walls

granular material in the nucleus that thickens to become chromosomes

the endoplasmic reticulum is a network of....

structures responsible for the breakdown of the cell or cell parts

site in the mitochondria where food is converted to energy

compounds made by the ribosomes

membrane sacs which are responsible for packaging enzymes into lysosomes-2 words

unit which makes up all living things

a general name for a cell part

cylinder-shaped bodies used during cell division in animal cells

the cell membrane is a .... layer(thickness)

i really don't know the words that go with these clues

To solve these crossword clues related to cell biology, here are some explanations on how to find the answers:

1. Possible opening found in the cell membrane:
Think about the structure of the cell membrane. It is composed of a lipid bilayer with proteins embedded in it. One possible opening in the cell membrane is a channel or pore through which substances can pass. The answer might be "channel" or "pore."

2. Substance which makes up cell walls:
Cell walls are primarily found in plant cells and are composed of a carbohydrate called cellulose. Therefore, the answer is "cellulose."

3. Granular material in the nucleus that thickens to become chromosomes:
In the nucleus of a cell, there is a region called the nucleolus where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins combine to form ribosomes. The granular material in the nucleolus is called chromatin, which thickens and condenses to become chromosomes. So, the answer is "chromatin."

4. The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of:
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a complex network of membranous tubules and sacs involved in various cellular processes. Therefore, the answer is "membranes" or "tubules."

5. Structures responsible for the breakdown of the cell or cell parts:
Structures responsible for the breakdown of the cell or its parts are called lysosomes. They contain powerful digestive enzymes that break down unwanted materials. So, the answer is "lysosomes."

6. Site in the mitochondria where food is converted to energy:
In the mitochondria, the process of converting food into energy takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This membrane contains numerous protein complexes that carry out aerobic respiration and generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The answer is "inner membrane."

7. Compounds made by the ribosomes:
Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis in the cell. The compounds they produce are proteins, so the answer is "proteins."

8. Membrane sacs which are responsible for packaging enzymes into lysosomes-2 words:
These membrane sacs responsible for packaging enzymes into lysosomes are called "Golgi apparatus" or simply "Golgi."

9. Unit which makes up all living things:
The fundamental unit of all living things is the cell. Hence, the answer is "cell."

10. A general name for a cell part:
A general term for a cell part is "organelle." It refers to various specialized structures within a cell that perform specific functions.

11. Cylinder-shaped bodies used during cell division in animal cells:
The cylinder-shaped bodies used during cell division in animal cells are called centrioles. Centrioles play a crucial role in the organization of the mitotic spindle that separates chromosomes during cell division.

12. The cell membrane is a .... layer (thickness):
The cell membrane is a lipid bilayer, which means it consists of two layers of phospholipids. So, the answer is "bilayer."

I hope these explanations help you fill in the crossword puzzle!