What does relative location mean?

Relative location is the location of something in relation of another place.

Example: McDonald's is across the street from the bank

Sara is right.

You could give Chicago's relative location this way:

Chicago is in northeastern Illinois on the southern shore of Lake Michigan.

Relative location refers to the position of a place or object in relation to other places or objects. It describes where something is located by using surrounding landmarks, directions, or distances. Rather than providing an exact location, it gives an understanding of the general position of a place.

To determine the relative location of a place, you can consider the following steps:

1. Identify the place: Start by identifying the specific place or object for which you want to determine the relative location.

2. Find surrounding landmarks: Look for nearby places or landmarks that are well-known and commonly referenced. These could include cities, bodies of water, mountains, or major highways.

3. Consider cardinal directions: Determine the general direction in which the place is located in relation to the surrounding landmarks. This can be described using terms like north, south, east, or west.

4. Use distances: Estimate the distance between the place and the surrounding landmarks. This can be in terms of time, travel distance, or even relative proximity.

By combining these factors, you can accurately describe the relative location of a place. For example, "The city is located approximately 50 kilometers south of the capital city, near the coast."