Dear americans,I would like to retranscribe me the speech of obama in high school in Norfolk

(video is on youtube)
please make it for a French desperate person (it is my first year at high school) what methods shall I be able to use to understand English better?

Here's a transcript of the speech in English.

Ihave just read me it is a disaster,sorry for the errors

Here are excerpts from the speech in French.

thank u

englisth homework wild west

Ah, cela a aidé beaucoup! J'ai été une fois un étudiant de transfert en Amérique de la France, et j'ai passé les âges à la recherche de ce!

Dear French high school student,

To understand English better, there are several methods you can use:

1. Listen to native speakers: YouTube videos, podcasts, or movies featuring native English speakers can greatly improve your listening skills. Start with easier content and gradually move on to more challenging ones.

2. Practice speaking: Find opportunities to speak English, such as language exchange programs, language clubs, or even online platforms where you can chat with native English speakers. This will help improve your pronunciation and fluency.

3. Read extensively: Read English books, newspapers, magazines, and websites to improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills. Start with material that is appropriate for your current level, then gradually challenge yourself with more difficult texts.

4. Use language learning apps: There are numerous language learning apps available that provide interactive exercises, vocabulary building, and listening comprehension practice. Duolingo, Babbel, and Memrise are some popular options.

5. Enroll in an English class: Consider taking an English course at your high school or language institute. Qualified teachers can guide you through grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension, as well as provide speaking practice.

Now, for transcribing the speech of Barack Obama, you can follow these steps:

1. Find the YouTube video of Obama's speech in Norfolk. Copy the video's URL (the web address).

2. Visit a transcription website like or

3. Paste the video URL into the provided field on the website and follow the instructions to transcribe the speech.

4. Once the transcription is completed, you can use translation tools like Google Translate or DeepL to translate the English text into French.

Remember, learning a new language takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and try to incorporate English into your daily life as much as possible. Good luck with your studies!