how can i do a senior project about Obesity in America

That depends upon what you want to learn about this subject.

Study these sites for some ideas.

I would limit it. Why don't you document the food intake of a group of teens?

how can i do community service about this topic

Post a poster with the results in the school cafeteria, write a news article, etc.

what can be inclued in the senior project about it

Did you read through the web sites I posted???

yes just need a little more

How about following Bobpursley's advice about doing a poster for the school lunchroom. Research the amount of calories needed for a normal teenager.

I can envision a poster with two columns or sections.

In one section, have a picture of a slim, attractive person. Then show a reasonable day's food intake with quantities and calories for each.

In the other section, have a picture of an obese person. Show the food that an obese person might eat in a day. Again include quantities and calories for each.

I have an obese friend who eats two or three times the amount I do at each meal. When one piece of candy satisfies me, she eats three or four pieces of that candy. The same is true of everything else I've seen her eat.

ok that sounds good

To do a senior project about obesity in America, consider the following steps:

1. Define your project focus: Decide what aspect of obesity in America you want to explore. It could be related to causes, effects, prevention strategies, policy interventions, or any other specific area of interest.

2. Conduct literature review: Start by researching and reading scholarly articles, scientific studies, reports, and books related to obesity in America. This will help you understand the current knowledge and identify gaps or areas where you can contribute.

3. Develop research questions: Based on your literature review, generate specific research questions that you want to answer through your project. These questions will guide your investigation and provide structure to your project.

4. Collect data: Depending on your research questions, decide on the data collection method. It can involve surveys, interviews, observations, or analysis of existing data sets. Ensure that your data collection methods are ethical, valid, and reliable.

5. Analyze data: Once you have collected your data, apply appropriate analytical techniques to draw meaningful conclusions. This could include statistical analysis, qualitative coding, or thematic analysis, depending on the nature of your data.

6. Interpret findings: Analyze and interpret your results to answer your research questions. Consider the implications of your findings and discuss their significance in the context of obesity in America.

7. Draw conclusions: Summarize your findings and draw conclusions based on your research. Highlight the main findings, their implications, and any recommendations for addressing obesity in America.

8. Create a presentation or report: Develop a senior project presentation or a written report, depending on the requirements of your school. Organize your research, findings, and conclusions in a clear and coherent manner, using appropriate visuals and referencing your sources correctly.

9. Present and defend your project: Deliver your presentation to your classmates, teachers, and possibly external evaluators. Be prepared to answer questions, provide additional context, and defend your research methods and findings.

Remember to select a topic that genuinely interests you, as you will be dedicating significant time and effort to your senior project.