what is the value of the underlined digit in the number 410,327? the underlined number is 3.


4-hundred thousands

1-ten thousands


To find the value of the underlined digit in the number 410,327, you need to understand place value.

Each digit in a number has a specific place value, which determines its position and its value in relation to other digits. In this case, the underlined digit is 3, and its place value is in the tens of thousands position.

To determine the value of the underlined digit, you multiply it by its specific place value. In this case, the place value of the tens of thousands position is 10,000.

To find the value, multiply 3 by 10,000:

3 * 10,000 = 30,000

Therefore, the value of the underlined digit in the number 410,327 is 30,000.