What is the latitude and longitude of Greenwich, England?

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The meridian of longitude that passes through a village in London called Greenwich meridian is the reference point.

To find the latitude and longitude of Greenwich, England, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your device.
2. Go to a search engine like Google.
3. Type "Greenwich, England coordinates" in the search bar and hit enter.

Alternatively, you can follow these steps using a dedicated maps website or application:

1. Open a web browser or maps application on your device.
2. Go to a maps website or app like Google Maps or MapQuest.
3. Type "Greenwich, England" in the search bar.
4. Once the location appears on the map, right-click (or tap and hold) on the pin or marker for Greenwich.
5. A menu will appear with options, including "What's here?" or "Get coordinates."
6. Click on "What's here?" or "Get coordinates," and the latitude and longitude will be displayed.

The latitude and longitude of Greenwich, England, are approximately 51.4769° N latitude and 0.0005° W longitude.