The fastest helicopter, the Westland Lynx, can travel 3.33 km in the forward direction in just 30.0 sec. What is the average velocity of this helicopter in kilometers per hour?

avg velocity= distance/time

Start by changing 30 sec to hrs.

30sec(1min/60sec)*(1hr/60min)= 30/3600 hrs

To find the average velocity of the helicopter, we need to convert the time from seconds to hours.

Step 1: Convert time from seconds to hours:
30.0 sec = 30.0/3600 hr = 0.00833 hr (rounded to 5 decimal places)

Step 2: Calculate average velocity:
Average velocity = Distance / Time

Distance = 3.33 km
Time = 0.00833 hr

Average velocity = 3.33 km / 0.00833 hr
Average velocity = 399.36 km/hr

Therefore, the average velocity of the Westland Lynx helicopter is approximately 399.36 km/hr.

To calculate the average velocity of the helicopter, we need to first convert the time from seconds to hours. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute, there are 60 x 60 = 3600 seconds in an hour. Therefore, 30 seconds is equal to 30/3600 = 0.00833 hours.

Next, we can calculate the average velocity by dividing the distance travelled by the time it took. The helicopter travelled 3.33 km in 0.00833 hours, so the average velocity is 3.33 km/0.00833 hours = 399.96 km/h.

Therefore, the average velocity of the Westland Lynx helicopter is approximately 399.96 km/h.