What is a congressional fact-finding trip known as?

Fill in the missing blank.
In both the House and the Senate -------- do the detailed, daily work of considering proposed legislation?

In both the House and the Senate, COMMITTEES do the detailed, daily work of considering proposed legislation.

In both the House and the Senate, committees do the detailed, daily work of considering proposed legislation.

To find this answer, you can start by understanding the structure of the legislative branch in the United States government. The legislative branch consists of two chambers - the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each chamber has various committees that focus on specific areas of legislation.

In this case, you can identify committees as the entities responsible for the detailed, daily work of considering proposed legislation. Committees are smaller groups within Congress that specialize in specific policy areas. They review bills, hold hearings, and conduct research or investigations to gather information on various issues.

Therefore, based on this understanding, the missing blank can be filled with the word "committees."


Probably the second answer is aides.

a ideal service