There are a few questions about the novel The Scarlet Letter that I am not to sure about. Can someone please check them.

True of False

1) Chillingworth escaped from Indian captivity by drugging his guards with an herb potion? My answer was true.

2) Chillingworth secretly provides Hesterwith money to support Pearl? My answer was false.

3) The main occupation of the only surgeon in Boston at the time of the story was that of a druggist? My answer was true.

4) Until his confession, the only people besides the minister himself to know of his sinfulness are Hester, Chillingworth, and
John Wilson
Governor Bellingham
his landlady
Mistress Hibbins

My answer was mistress Hibbins

Here are the correct answers:

1) False: Chillingworth escaped from Indian captivity by pretending to be a medical practitioner.

2) True: Chillingworth secretly provides Hester with money to support Pearl.

3) False: The main occupation of the only surgeon in Boston at the time of the story was that of a physician.

4) False: Until his confession, the only people besides the minister himself to know of his sinfulness are Hester, Chillingworth, and his landlady. The correct answer is "his landlady." Mistress Hibbins is a character in the story, but she is not one of the people who knows the minister's secret.

1) To answer the first question, Chillingworth did escape from Indian captivity, but he did not use an herb potion to drug his guards. So, the correct answer would be false. To find this information, you can refer to the novel itself. Look for the section where Chillingworth's escape is described, pay attention to the details mentioned, and see if the use of an herb potion is mentioned.

2) In regards to the second question, Chillingworth did secretly provide Hester with money to support Pearl. So, the correct answer would be true. To verify this, you can review the interactions between Chillingworth and Hester in the novel. Look for instances where Chillingworth provides financial assistance or support to Hester and Pearl.

3) The third question asks about the main occupation of the only surgeon in Boston during the time of the story. If you answered true, stating that the main occupation was a druggist, then your answer is correct. To confirm this, you can refer to the descriptions of the surgeon's role and responsibilities within the novel. Look for instances where the surgeon is mentioned or discussed, and see if the occupation of a druggist is associated with this character.

4) Lastly, the question asks about the individuals who know about the minister's sinfulness, excluding Hester, Chillingworth, and Mistress Hibbins. If you answered mistress Hibbins, then your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is John Wilson, the Governor Bellingham, and his landlady. To verify this, you can recall the events in the novel where the minister's confession and those who were aware of it are mentioned. Pay attention to the characters involved during these scenes.