plz help and thank you

Technology focuses on machines or electronics to do something related to science and math, Science tends to focus the how, why, and understanding of it.

Science and technology are related but distinct fields. Let me explain the difference between the two:

Science refers to a systematic and organized body of knowledge obtained through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It aims to understand the natural world and explain how it works. Scientists use the scientific method to develop theories and test them through experiments. The focus of science is on acquiring knowledge and understanding fundamental principles and natural laws. For example, physicists study the properties of matter and energy, biologists explore life forms and ecosystems, and chemists examine the composition and behavior of substances.

On the other hand, technology involves the practical application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It encompasses tools, techniques, and methods that are used to solve problems, meet human needs, and improve the quality of life. Technology is created by engineers and inventors who apply scientific principles to design, develop, and manufacture practical solutions. For example, computers, smartphones, medical devices, renewable energy systems, and transportation vehicles are all technological advancements.

To summarize, science is a systematic study of nature to acquire knowledge, while technology is the practical implementation of that knowledge for practical purposes. Science focuses on understanding natural phenomena, whereas technology focuses on utilizing that knowledge to create useful products or solve problems.