how colour is form?

Please give me more info.

I'm not sure what you want to know. However, I will try.

There are two ways colors are formed, additive and subtractive. Additive is combining colored lights, while subtractive is done with filters or materials absorbing various aspects of the spectrum and reflecting others.

I hope this helps. If not, repost your question in more specific terms. Thanks for asking.

To understand how color is formed, we need to delve into the field of physics and the behavior of light. Color is not an inherent property of objects but is rather a subjective perception that occurs when light interacts with the human visual system.

1. Light Source: Color begins with a light source, such as the sun, a lamp, or a computer screen. Light is composed of different wavelengths, each corresponding to a different color.

2. Reflection: When light encounters an object, it can be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected. The colors we perceive are a result of the light that is reflected off an object's surface.

3. Absorption and Transmission: Objects appear to have color because they selectively absorb certain colors of light while reflecting others. The absorbed colors are absorbed because they match the object's atomic or molecular structure, leading to their energy being transferred into the material. The colors that are not absorbed are transmitted or reflected, and these are the colors we see.

4. Perception: Our eyes receive the reflected light, and it enters the receptors in the retina called cones. Cones are sensitive to different wavelengths and are responsible for our ability to perceive color. The cones send signals to the brain, which interprets the combination of signals received to identify the specific color.

5. Color Mixing: Different colors can be produced through two primary processes: additive color mixing and subtractive color mixing.

- Additive Color Mixing: This occurs when different colors of light are combined. For example, when red, green, and blue light are mixed in varying intensities, they create different colors, including white light. This process is commonly used in electronic devices like computer screens and televisions.

- Subtractive Color Mixing: This occurs when colors from different objects mix by absorbing certain wavelengths of light and reflecting others. For example, when you mix paint or ink colors, the pigments in the materials absorb certain colors and reflect others, resulting in different colors depending on the combination.

In summary, color is formed through the interaction of light and objects. Objects reflect or transmit certain wavelengths of light, while absorbing others, and our perception of color is a result of how our eyes and brain interpret these reflected or transmitted light signals.