I would love a website where I could put in my own sentence and have all the parts of speech identified!!! Can you help me with this? I have too many sentences to post here for help.

Yes here! We will respond. Please type the sentence and the directions and we will help you with it.

Please notice the key word is "help". We do not do your homework for you, but we will guide, suggest, hint, correct and encourage.

I am 38 and this isnt for homework! I need to have access to a site to identify parts of speech. I want to be able to enter in a sentence and have the parts of speech (verb, noun, pronoun etc.) identified. I have over 100 sentences that I need to do this with so clearly I cant post them here. I just would like a link to a site that will help me with this.

None of the search engines can locate such a site.

If you put these here in groups of ten with your identification, we will be glad to correct them.

Certainly! To identify the parts of speech in a sentence, you can use a natural language processing (NLP) tool or library. One popular and powerful option for this is the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) in Python.

Here's a step-by-step guide to achieving this:

1. Install NLTK: If you don't have NLTK installed on your system, you can install it by running the command `pip install nltk` in your command prompt or terminal.

2. Import NLTK and download necessary resources: In your Python script or interactive shell, import the NLTK library by adding the line `import nltk`. Afterwards, download the required resources by running the command `nltk.download('punkt')`. This will download the tokenization model needed to break your sentences into words.

3. Tokenize the sentence: Use the `nltk.tokenize` module to tokenize your sentence into individual words. For example:

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

sentence = "This is a sample sentence."
words = word_tokenize(sentence)

4. Identify the parts of speech: Once you have the tokenized words, you can use NLTK's `pos_tag` function to tag each word with its respective part of speech. Here's an example:

from nltk import pos_tag

tagged_words = pos_tag(words)

5. Access and display the parts of speech tags: The `pos_tag` function returns a list of tuples, where each tuple contains a word and its associated part of speech tag. You can access and display these tags as follows:

for word, tag in tagged_words:
print(word, ":", tag)

6. Run the code: Finally, run your Python script or code block to tokenize the sentence and obtain the parts of speech tags.

By following these steps and adapting them to your specific needs, you can create your own website or script to identify the parts of speech in your sentences.