make an illustration depicting the number line to find each sum or difference

1 2/3 + 1 5/6

Use two rulers, or make two movable number lines.

Using the ruler, mark at the start, and at the point 1 2/3. Now at that point, measure again 1.56. The sum will be the distance from the final point to the original start point.

thanks, I am having a hard time figuring out how to do it on my computer. I am an online student, paper and pencil would be so much easier.

This site has several illustrations of number lines with fractions.

To make an illustration depicting the number line to find the sum or difference of 1 2/3 + 1 5/6, follow these steps:

1. Draw a horizontal line from left to right to represent the number line.
2. Divide the line into equal parts to represent the whole numbers.
3. Label the whole numbers along the line.
4. Locate the point on the number line that represents 1 2/3. Start from 1 and count two-thirds of the way towards 2. Mark that point.
5. Locate the point on the number line that represents 1 5/6. Start from 1 and count five-sixths of the way towards 2. Mark that point.
6. Draw an arrow or line segment from the point representing 1 2/3 to the point representing 1 5/6.
7. Measure the distance between the two points on the number line.
8. This distance represents the sum or difference of 1 2/3 + 1 5/6.

Remember, the number line helps us visualize the numbers and their relationships, making it easier to understand and solve math problems.