Okay, this isn't really a big question. I know how to do it, there's just one thing I have to make sure of.

The problem is:

I know I need to combine like terms, but which sign do I use to do that.

Like if I want to combine 5x and 11x, do I use the sign before the 11x (-) of the sign after 5x (+) ????

Use the sign of the larger.


Ok. Thank you again! :D

To combine like terms, you need to pay attention to the signs before each term. In the given expression, 5x and -11x are both x-terms. Since 11x has a negative sign in front of it, it means it has the opposite sign compared to 5x.

To combine them, you should subtract 11x from 5x. This is because subtracting a negative number is equivalent to adding its positive counterpart. So, the expression becomes 5x - 11x.

Therefore, the correct way to combine the x-terms is:

5x + 4y - 11x - 2y

=> (5x - 11x) + 4y - 2y

=> -6x + 2y

Remember, when combining like terms, you keep the common variable (x or y) and perform the operation (addition or subtraction) between the coefficients (numbers in front of the variable).