
x + y/8 x=65 and y=7

so what is 65 + 7/8 ?

That does not come out right.

To evaluate the expression x + y/8 when x = 65 and y = 7, you need to substitute the given values into the expression and perform the necessary calculations.

Step 1: Substitute the given values of x and y into the expression.
x + y/8 = 65 + 7/8

Step 2: Simplify the expression.
Since the division symbol (/) has higher precedence, perform that calculation first.
7/8 = 0.875

Now substitute the calculated value back into the expression.
x + 0.875 = 65 + 0.875

Step 3: Add the numbers to get the final result.
65 + 0.875 = 65.875

So, when x = 65 and y = 7, the value of x + y/8 is 65.875.