I'm doing a paper on a person who had an big impact on my life. I need helping on how to start it off, like what should my first sentence say.

what I was thinking. One person who had an big impact on my life would be Hill Harper. Is this a good way to start a paper?

That is a good way to start, you could also say, The one person who made a big impact in my life is Hill Harper, and then go on to say why. But what you said would work too.

That's an OK way to start your paper if you are in 5th grade. If you are older, though, you should try for more sophistication and smoothness.

Simply start out by telling a brief anecdote (little story) about something Hill Harper did that is one indication of why he's important to you.

Let us know what you come up with, and we'll be happy to critique your thinking.


Starting your paper with "One person who had a big impact on my life would be Hill Harper" is a fine way to begin. However, you can make it more engaging and impactful by capturing the reader's attention right from the start. Here are a few suggestions for alternative opening sentences:

1. "Throughout my life, there is one individual who has left an indelible mark and inspired me to be better every day – Hill Harper."
2. "As I reflect upon the influential figures in my life, none have had a more profound impact on me than Hill Harper."
3. "From the moment I encountered Hill Harper's work, I knew that this person would forever change the trajectory of my life."

Remember, the purpose of the opening sentence is to hook the reader and generate interest in your story. By using a compelling and personalized introduction, you can engage your readers and make them want to know more.