Tony Smith

47120-34 Albertroad
Strathfield. 2135.
Sydney NSW Australia

(This is an address. Would you check it? And let me knwo how to read the numbers. What about the punctuation marks. Do we have to use 'commas' or' full stops'? Please correct errors and let me know the meaning of the names. Street name, city name, etc. Thank you.)

The 47120-34 Albertroad means it is a row house. Check the name of the street for it could be Albert Road, should it not be one name.

Strathfield is the secdion and 2135 is the area. Sydney is the town, NSW is probably "New South Wales", Australia is the country.

This site will explain the addressing in Australia.

When you ask how to read the numbers, is this what you mean: forty-seven one hundred twenty - thirty four?


This is probably the site Sra intended to post.,1467,CH2092%257EMO19,00.html

The provided address is as follows:

Name: Tony Smith
Street: 47120-34 Albertroad
City: Strathfield
Postal Code: 2135
State: Sydney
Country: NSW Australia

To parse the address properly:

1. Name: "Tony Smith" denotes the recipient's name.

2. Street: "47120-34 Albertroad" is the street address. It seems to contain a numeric range followed by the street name. However, it is unusual to have a hyphen in the middle of the numeric range, so it might be a typographical error. To read the numbers correctly, we should separate them as "47120" and "34". The street name is "Albertroad".

3. City: The city name is "Strathfield".

4. Postal Code: The postal code is "2135".

5. State: The state is "Sydney".

6. Country: The country is "NSW Australia". However, "NSW" stands for New South Wales, which is a state in Australia. Typically, the country would be listed separately as "Australia".

Regarding punctuation, when writing the address, it is common to use commas to separate different parts of the address. However, in this specific address format, no commas are necessary. Instead, the information is structured using hyphens and spaces to differentiate between the numeric range and the street name.

To improve the address format and correct errors, you could consider the following revision:

Tony Smith
34 Albert Road
Strathfield NSW 2135

In this revised format, the address is structured in a more conventional manner, making it easier to understand and follow proper addressing conventions.