9/11 - 3/11 + 7/11=13/11 which is improper so the answer is 1 1/11?

Sally, a, or ak -- How did you get this answer?

13/11 = 1 1/11

by dividing 13 into 11 like the web site showed

IF the web site showed that, block it. I suspect it told you to divide 13 by 11. IT goes once, with a remainder of 2

Answer: 1 2/11


To add or subtract fractions, you first need to have a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator for 9/11, 3/11, and 7/11 is 11 since all the fractions have the same denominator.

Now, let's add the fractions step by step:
1. Keep the denominator the same: 9/11 - 3/11 + 7/11.
2. Add the numerators: 9 - 3 + 7 = 13.
3. Keep the denominator the same: 13/11.

Since the numerator is larger than the denominator, this fraction is considered improper. To simplify it, we can express it as a mixed number.

To convert the improper fraction 13/11 to a mixed number, divide the numerator (13) by the denominator (11). The quotient becomes the whole number part, and the remainder becomes the numerator of the fraction. In this case, 13 divided by 11 is 1 remainder 2.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 1 2/11, not 1 1/11.