what are five ordered pairs that make this equation true

Y = 20 + X/3 (that's x OVER 3)

(X, Y) = (0, 20) would be one.

Pick any X and compute the corresponding Y for others.


Let me repeat DrWLS:

Pick ANY value for x, determine y. It helps if the value of x is a multiple of 3, avoiding fractions, but it is not mandatory.

To find five ordered pairs that make the equation Y = 20 + X/3 true, you can assign different values to the variable X and then solve for Y. Let's do it step by step:

1. Pick a value for X. Let's start with X = 0.
Substitute X = 0 into the equation:
Y = 20 + 0/3
This simplifies to:
Y = 20 + 0
Y = 20

So, the first ordered pair is (0, 20).

2. Let's try X = 3:
Substitute X = 3 into the equation:
Y = 20 + 3/3
This simplifies to:
Y = 20 + 1
Y = 21

The second ordered pair is (3, 21).

3. Let's try X = 6:
Substitute X = 6 into the equation:
Y = 20 + 6/3
This simplifies to:
Y = 20 + 2
Y = 22

The third ordered pair is (6, 22).

4. Let's try X = -3:
Substitute X = -3 into the equation:
Y = 20 + (-3)/3
This simplifies to:
Y = 20 - 1
Y = 19

The fourth ordered pair is (-3, 19).

5. Let's try X = -6:
Substitute X = -6 into the equation:
Y = 20 + (-6)/3
This simplifies to:
Y = 20 - 2
Y = 18

The fifth ordered pair is (-6, 18).

Therefore, five ordered pairs that make the equation Y = 20 + X/3 true are: (0, 20), (3, 21), (6, 22), (-3, 19), and (-6, 18).