1. He sometimes skips class.

2. He seldom skips a class.
3. He never skips classes.
4. He never cuts classes.
5. He seldom cuts lessons.
6. He hardley cuts a lesson.
7. he barely cuts the lesson.
8. He often cuts lesson.

(Which expressions are right?)


*Those are good guesses I'm not completely confident so I would keep asking but if you are completely lost then here's some educated guesses.

#6 the spelling is hardly

#7 capitalize He
#8 either a lesson or the lesson.


(Everything else is fine.)

Out of the given expressions, the correct ones are:

1. He sometimes skips class.
2. He seldom skips a class.
3. He never skips classes.

1. "Sometimes" indicates that he skips class occasionally, but it does not provide specific information about how frequently.

2. "Seldom" suggests that skipping class is infrequent for him. The use of "a class" indicates that it happens on rare occasions.

3. "Never" implies that he does not skip classes at all. It suggests a consistent and unwavering behavior of attending all classes.

The expressions that are not correct or could be improved are:

4. "He never cuts classes." This is redundant as it conveys the same meaning as expression 3.

5. "He seldom cuts lessons." While "seldom" is correct, "lessons" is not the typical term used for classes. It would be more natural to use "class" instead.

6. "He hardly cuts a lesson." The word "hardley" likely contains a spelling error, and it is better to use "hardly" to indicate infrequency. Additionally, using "a lesson" instead of "class" is not as common.

7. "He barely cuts the lesson." "Barely" and "cuts" create a slightly awkward combination. It would be more appropriate to say "barely misses the lesson" or "rarely skips the lesson."

8. "He often cuts lesson." Here, "cuts" should be replaced with "skips." Additionally, "lessons" should be singular, as it refers to a single class rather than multiple classes. The corrected expression would be "He often skips a lesson."