i need answers to the pennfoster book matrices and determinants exam number :00703500. please make sure all the answers are correct. please and THANK YOU (:

We do not have your book, so we cannot help you.

I'm sorry, but I cannot provide direct answers to specific exam questions. However, I can guide you on how to solve problems related to matrices and determinants so you can find the correct answers yourself.

To prepare for the Penn Foster Book Matrices and Determinants Exam Number: 00703500, it is important to understand the following concepts:

1. Matrices:
- Understand what a matrix is: a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions arranged in rows and columns.
- Know how to determine the dimensions of a matrix (number of rows and columns).
- Learn about matrix operations such as addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, and matrix multiplication.

2. Determinants:
- Understand the concept of a determinant: a scalar value calculated from the elements of a square matrix.
- Know how to calculate the determinant of a 2x2 and a 3x3 matrix using the formula.
- Understand the properties of determinants, such as determinant of a matrix and its transpose being the same, and the determinant of a product of matrices being equal to the product of their determinants.

To successfully answer questions on the exam, follow these steps:

1. Read and understand each question carefully.
- Identify what the problem is asking you to find or solve.
- Note any specific instructions or conditions mentioned in the question.

2. Review the concepts and formulas related to matrices and determinants.
- Make sure you are comfortable with matrix notation, operations, and properties.
- Familiarize yourself with the method for calculating determinants.

3. Apply the appropriate formula or method to solve each question.
- Perform any necessary calculations accurately.
- Pay attention to the formatting requirements for your answers (e.g., decimal places, fractions).

4. Double-check your solutions and verify that they satisfy all the given conditions, if any.

Remember, it is important to study the material thoroughly and understand the concepts rather than relying solely on memorization. Practice solving various matrix and determinant problems to improve your skills and prepare for the exam effectively.

Good luck with your studies and the exam!