i need help....i need 5 ordered pairs of the following....y = 20 + x/3

how do i do this problem??

pick an x, then compute y for that x. Do it 19 more times..

Here, I will start you off
x, y
0, 20

and by doing this it will make the equation true?? I'm still lost.

To find the ordered pairs for the equation y = 20 + x/3, you need to substitute different values for x and solve for y.

1. For the first ordered pair, let's choose x = 0:
Substituting x = 0 into the equation:
y = 20 + 0/3
y = 20 + 0
y = 20
Therefore, the first ordered pair is (0, 20).

2. For the second ordered pair, let's choose x = 3:
Substituting x = 3 into the equation:
y = 20 + 3/3
y = 20 + 1
y = 21
Therefore, the second ordered pair is (3, 21).

3. For the third ordered pair, let's choose x = -3:
Substituting x = -3 into the equation:
y = 20 + -3/3
y = 20 - 1
y = 19
Therefore, the third ordered pair is (-3, 19).

4. For the fourth ordered pair, let's choose x = 6:
Substituting x = 6 into the equation:
y = 20 + 6/3
y = 20 + 2
y = 22
Therefore, the fourth ordered pair is (6, 22).

5. For the fifth ordered pair, let's choose x = -6:
Substituting x = -6 into the equation:
y = 20 + -6/3
y = 20 - 2
y = 18
Therefore, the fifth ordered pair is (-6, 18).

So, the five ordered pairs for the equation y = 20 + x/3 are:
(0, 20), (3, 21), (-3, 19), (6, 22), (-6, 18).