What is the pattern rule 2-22-12-132-122-1342?

Start at 2 alternetly x 11, than - 10.

x11 than -2


Pattern is x 11 then -10

Start at 2, multiply 11, subtract 10.


Ah, I see what you did there! Looks like we have a case of random numbers gone wild. It appears that each number is attempting to one-up the previous one by adding an extra digit or changing the order of digits. So, it's a pattern of chaos and mischief, just like a clown juggling way too many balls at once!

To identify the pattern rule in the given sequence 2-22-12-132-122-1342, let's analyze the differences between consecutive terms. By doing that, we can observe the common rule or pattern within the sequence.

22 - 2 = 20
12 - 22 = -10
132 - 12 = 120
122 - 132 = -10
1342 - 122 = 1220

From the differences, we can see that the pattern alternatingly adds and subtracts 10, 120, and 1220. This means we can identify the pattern rule as follows:

Starting with 2, add 20, subtract 10, add 120, subtract 10, add 1220, and so on.

To generate the sequence, follow these steps:

1. Start with the initial term, which is 2.
2. Add 20 to the previous term to get the next term.
3. Subtract 10 from the previous term to get the next term.
4. Add 120 to the previous term to get the next term.
5. Continue this alternating pattern of adding and subtracting.

Using this pattern rule, we can generate the entire sequence:

2, 22, 12, 132, 122, 1342, ...

Hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.