ex. to study = etudier

I need help on: to prefer to like better

I need help on: to ask a question

please translate theses to french:-)



To prefer / to like better = préférer

To find the translation of phrases or words, you can use various online resources and tools like online dictionaries. Here's how you can find the translation for "to prefer" and "to like better":

1. Online dictionaries:
- WordReference (https://www.wordreference.com/): This is a popular online dictionary that provides translations, definitions, and examples for words and phrases. To find the translation of "to prefer" and "to like better," you can type them into the search bar and select the appropriate language pair (e.g., English to French). The dictionary will then give you the translation and possible usage examples.

2. Google Translate:
- Go to Google Translate (https://translate.google.com/) and select the languages you want to translate between (e.g., English to French). Then, type in the phrase or word you want to translate ("to prefer" or "to like better") and press Enter. Google Translate will provide you with the translation instantly.

Using these online resources, you can easily find the translation for phrases or words. Remember that context and usage examples are essential for learning how to use the translated word or phrase correctly.