add write answers in lowest form . 13/18 + 11/18 = 24/18 = 1 6/18 = 1 2/6 is this right?

I would reduce it once more. 1 1/3

Yes, you are correct. To add fractions, you need to first make sure that the denominators are the same. In this case, both fractions have a denominator of 18, so you can directly add the numerators.

13/18 + 11/18 = (13 + 11)/18 = 24/18

However, we can simplify this fraction further. Both 24 and 18 can be divided by 6.

24/18 = (6 * 4)/(6 * 3) = 4/3

So, the simplified form of 13/18 + 11/18 is 4/3.

But, if you want to express the answer as a mixed number, you can divide the numerator (4) by the denominator (3). The quotient is 1 with a remainder of 1.

4 ÷ 3 = 1 remainder 1

So, the final answer in lowest terms as a mixed number is 1 1/3 or 1 2/6. Both forms are correct.