Essay Topic:

Describe the geography of southern South America and how this geography influences economic activity?

This is what I've got:

Southern south America consists of numerous physical regions with varying landforms, climates, and vegetation. There are four rivers that form national boundaries: the Uruguay, the Pilcomayo, the Paraguay, and the Parana. This immeasurable river system provides an inexpensive and efficient way for people to transfer goods

Besides great rivers, southern South America also has grasslands. The pampas of Argentina and Uruguay are one of South America’s best known features. These temperate grasslands were formerly home to gauchos, the boys who herded cattle there. Today the pampas are Argentina’s bread basket because they produce about 80 percent of the nation’s grain and about 70 percent of its meat.

South of the pampas is the windswept plateau of Patagonia. Patagonia is a barren, dried up, cold, and sometimes foggy plain which is well suited for raising sheep. It has rich deposits of oil and bauxite.

Paraguay is landlocked and its economy is based on agriculture, mostly cotton, grains, and livestock.

Raising livestock, processing meat, and making products such as wool and leather, is a part of Uruguay’s economy as well. About 75 percent of the land is devoted to livestock grazing and another 10 percent to raising grain to feed the cattle and sheep. Uruguay produces no fuel and only some consumer goods.

Is this OK?


MC I think you have covered the topic very well. The only thing that you might add would be the industries that are important that rely on goods produced in that area.

Thanks Guru, I'll do that (:


Great start! To further develop your essay, here are a few additional points you can consider:

1. Patagonia: Discuss the expansive region of Patagonia, known for its vast grassland plains, plateaus, and the Andes Mountains. Its natural resources, including minerals, oil, and gas, have influenced economic activity through mining and energy production.

2. Tierra del Fuego: Mention the archipelago located at the southernmost tip of South America. The region has rich oil and gas deposits and contributes to energy production and manufacturing.

3. Climate and Agriculture: Describe the diverse climates of southern South America, ranging from the subpolar region of Tierra del Fuego to the temperate climate of central Chile. Discuss how these climates influence agricultural activities such as wine production in Chile, cattle ranching in Argentina, and the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.

4. Fishing and Aquaculture: Talk about the extensive coastline of southern South America and the importance of fishing and aquaculture industries. The nutrient-rich waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean support thriving fishing industries, particularly in Chile and Argentina.

5. Tourism: Mention the impact of the region's geography on tourism. The stunning landscapes, including the Andes Mountains, glaciers, and fjords, attract tourists from around the world, contributing to the economy through accommodations, transportation, and recreational activities.

6. Transportation and Trade: Elaborate on the river system you mentioned and its significant role in transportation and trade. Discuss the ease of navigation and cost-effectiveness of transporting goods along these rivers, connecting various regions and countries.

7. Natural Resources: Highlight the abundance of natural resources in the area, including copper, iron ore, natural gas, petroleum, and hydroelectric power. Explain how the exploitation of these resources drives economic activity and influences trade.

Remember to support your statements with specific examples, data, or case studies to strengthen your essay's content and make it more informative.