name a time in world history that explusion has occured?

where does explusion fall on the inter group relations continuum?

Expulsion occurred before the Holocaust as Germans tried to expel their Jewish population.

Expulsion also occurred in the U.S. when the government expelled many Native Americans from their homes in the East to lands in the West.

I would think that expulsion falls at the estreme end of this continuum.

* extreme end

One of the significant examples of expulsion in world history is the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492. As for the second part of your question, expulsion typically falls under the category of negative intergroup relations on the intergroup relations continuum.

To explain further, the intergroup relations continuum is a theoretical framework used to understand and analyze the different levels of interactions between groups. It encompasses a range of possibilities from positive to negative relations.

At one end of the continuum, you have positive intergroup relations, which involve cooperation, integration, and mutual respect between different groups. In this context, groups work together, share resources, and strive for common goals. Examples of positive intergroup relations include multicultural societies where diverse groups coexist harmoniously.

On the other end of the continuum, you have negative intergroup relations, which encompass conflict, discrimination, and exclusion. Expulsion, in particular, represents a severe form of negative intergroup relations. It involves forcibly removing or banishing a certain group from a specific geographic area or society. Expulsion is often driven by discrimination, prejudice, or ideological differences. Unfortunately, throughout history, many groups have been subjected to expulsion due to religious, racial, or ethnic reasons.

To summarize, expulsion, such as the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain, is an example of negative intergroup relations, where a group is forcibly removed from a particular region or society.