why do you think the deer population was only 4,00 in 1905 when the carrying capacity of the rangeland could support 30,000 deer or more. I don't understand why a population could be so far below the carrying capacity.

The deer hadn't found this area?

Hunters had decimated the deer?

The carrying capacity just means the number that the area could support.

Was there competition for the food supply? Cattle?

The difference between the actual deer population and the carrying capacity of the rangeland can be attributed to various factors. Let's break it down and examine some possible reasons:

1. Historical Hunting and Predator Control: In 1905, hunting pressure on deer populations was likely much more significant than it is today. Unregulated hunting for sport and the control of predators, such as wolves and mountain lions, by humans may have greatly reduced the deer population.

2. Habitat Availability: Even if the carrying capacity of the rangeland was theoretically able to support 30,000 deer or more, it's possible that the actual habitat available for deer was fragmented or limited. Deer require specific resources such as food, water, and cover, and if these were scarce, it could have hindered population growth.

3. Disease and Other Natural Factors: Deer populations can be impacted by diseases and other natural factors like severe weather events, droughts, or competition with other species for resources. These factors can cause fluctuations or reduce population numbers below the carrying capacity.

4. Human Influence: Human development, land use changes, and the expansion of agriculture may have decreased the available habitat for deer populations. These changes could have led to decreased carrying capacity and limited the number of deer that could be supported.

Understanding the reasons behind population dynamics often involves careful analysis of historical and ecological data. Studying these elements can help explain why a population may be below the carrying capacity despite favorable conditions.