has any 1 read the novel called, "The House that was Eureka"? if so can u pls tell me what are examples of 'use of violence to resist injustice'. i need it for my english essay. plus i also have to mention the modern world's use of violence to resist injustice.

pls help me.

To find examples of the use of violence to resist injustice in the novel "The House that was Eureka," there are a few steps you can take:

1. Read the novel: To gather specific examples, the first and most important step is to read the novel thoroughly. Pay attention to any scenes or instances where violence is employed as a means to challenge or combat injustice. Take notes or highlight those particular sections.

2. Analyze key characters: Identify the main characters in the novel and examine their actions in relation to violence and resistance against injustice. Look for instances where characters engage in violent acts to fight against social or systemic wrongs.

3. Consider plot developments: Examine the progression of the story and identify any significant events or plot points where violence is used as a form of protest or resistance. Note how these instances contribute to the larger theme of fighting injustice.

4. Consult literary analysis: After reading the novel, you can search for literary analysis or critical essays focused on "The House that was Eureka." These analyses often examine the themes, motifs, and characters in detail, including the use of violence to resist injustice. They may provide additional insights and examples that you may have missed.

Regarding the modern world's use of violence to resist injustice, you can follow similar steps:

1. Research recent historical events or movements: Look into recent years and explore notable social or political movements where violence has been employed to challenge injustice. Investigate cases such as protests, uprisings, or conflicts where individuals or groups resorted to violent means.

2. Study current debates: Read articles, opinion pieces, or scholarly works discussing the use of violence in contemporary activism or resistance against injustice. Identify specific cases and arguments from various perspectives to gain a comprehensive understanding.

3. Analyze case studies: Select a few modern examples of violence being used to resist injustice and analyze them in detail. Explore the context, motivations, and outcomes of these instances. Consider how they align with or depart from historical precedents.

4. Consider counterarguments: Remember to approach the topic from a balanced perspective. Take into account the arguments against the use of violence as a means to resist injustice. Engaging with counterarguments can strengthen the overall depth and credibility of your essay.

By conducting thorough research and analysis of both the novel and real-life examples, you will be well-equipped to write a comprehensive and well-supported essay on the use of violence to resist injustice in "The House that was Eureka," as well as in the modern world.