I have to write a skit, on Oedipus:the king, but after the tragedy, any place, any time, but must remain in contex with the theme as the original.

(we can have 3-5 people to perform this skit) its due Wed.

You could do a rather current event: A high government official keeping up the vision of finding weapons of mass destruction of Saddam Hussein, and as the hunt continues, the irony that the high government official invented the story and the belief in the first place. OF course, this is all fiction, based on fiction, with no intentional relation to real characters or events.


The central irony of Oedipus is that which he sought, was not that which he intended to reveal.

To write a skit based on "Oedipus the King" that takes place after the tragedy, you will need to consider the original context and theme of the play. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create your skit:

1. Understand the theme: The theme of "Oedipus the King" is centered around fate, hubris, and the consequences of one's actions. Keep this theme in mind when developing your skit.

2. Choose a setting: Decide where and when your skit will take place, while ensuring it remains in context with the original play. This could be a specific location, such as Thebes, or a symbolic setting that reflects the consequences faced by the characters.

3. Select characters: Identify three to five characters from the original play who will appear in the skit. Consider Oedipus, Jocasta, Creon, or others. You can also introduce new characters if they are relevant to the continuation of the story.

4. Determine the aftermath: Decide what has happened to the characters after the tragic events of the original play. Have they found redemption, or are they still grappling with the consequences of their actions? This will provide the central conflict of your skit.

5. Develop the plot: Plan out the sequence of events that will unfold in your skit. Consider how the characters' relationships have evolved and how they might interact in the aftermath. Explore how the theme of fate continues to impact their lives.

6. Focus on dialogue and conflict: Write meaningful dialogue that captures the essence of the characters and their emotional states. Create conflicts and tensions that delve into the consequences established in the original play.

7. Add comedic or dramatic elements: Determine whether you want to make your skit comedic, tragic, or a combination of both. Think about adding humorous elements to lighten the mood or heighten the drama for a more impactful performance.

8. Rehearse and refine: Assign roles to the actors performing the skit and rehearse it multiple times. Pay attention to timing, delivery, and the overall flow of the performance. Make adjustments where needed, ensuring that the skit remains faithful to the original play's themes.

Remember, it's important to familiarize yourself with the original play by reading it or watching a performance. This will help you maintain continuity and stay true to the context as you develop your skit. Good luck with your writing, and I hope your skit turns out great!