Describe all symmetries of an oval.

A) 4 lines of reflectional symmetry
B) 2 lines of reflectional symmetry, 180 degrees rotational symmetry.
C) 2 lines of reflectional symmetry.
D) 4 lines of relectional symmetry, 90 degrees rotational symmetry.
My answer is B) 2 lines of reflectional symmetry, 180 degrees rotational symmetry.


Great! Let me explain how we can determine the symmetries of an oval.

To understand the symmetries of a shape, we need to identify the transformations that leave the shape unchanged. In this case, an oval is a closed curve that is symmetric across its major axis. The major axis is the longest diameter of the oval that passes through the center.

Now, let's consider the options:

A) 4 lines of reflectional symmetry: This option suggests that there are 4 lines along which we can reflect the oval to obtain the same shape. However, an oval only has 2 lines of reflectional symmetry, which are the lines passing through its major and minor axes.

B) 2 lines of reflectional symmetry, 180 degrees rotational symmetry: This option states that there are 2 lines of reflectional symmetry and also a 180 degrees rotational symmetry. This is correct! The two lines of reflectional symmetry are the major and minor axes of the oval, while the 180 degrees rotational symmetry means that if we rotate the oval by 180 degrees, it will look the same.

C) 2 lines of reflectional symmetry: This option only mentions the 2 lines of reflectional symmetry, which is correct. However, it doesn't consider rotational symmetry.

D) 4 lines of reflectional symmetry, 90 degrees rotational symmetry: This option suggests that there are 4 lines of reflectional symmetry, which is not accurate. An oval only has 2 lines of reflectional symmetry. Additionally, while it does have rotational symmetry, it is not by 90 degrees, but rather by 180 degrees as mentioned in option B.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) 2 lines of reflectional symmetry, 180 degrees rotational symmetry.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.