6/25 divided by 2/15 do i flip the second fraction then multiply but i still cant figure it out


6/25 divided by 2/15 = 6/25 * 15/2 = 90/50 = 1 4/5

Yes, when dividing fractions, you need to flip the second fraction (the divisor) and then multiply the two fractions together. Here are the steps to divide the fractions 6/25 and 2/15:

Step 1: Flip the second fraction:
2/15 becomes 15/2

Step 2: Multiply the two fractions:
6/25 ÷ 2/15 is the same as 6/25 * 15/2.

Step 3: Multiply numerators and denominators:
(6 * 15) / (25 * 2) = 90/50

Step 4: Simplify the fraction:
To simplify the fraction 90/50, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 10:
90 ÷ 10 / 50 ÷ 10 = 9/5

Therefore, 6/25 divided by 2/15 equals 9/5.

To divide fractions, you indeed need to flip the second fraction and then multiply. Let's break down the steps to divide 6/25 by 2/15:

Step 1: Flip the second fraction
Flip the fraction 2/15 to its reciprocal, which is 15/2.

Step 2: Multiply the fractions
Now, you need to multiply the two fractions together. Multiply the numerators (top numbers) and multiply the denominators (bottom numbers):

6/25 × 15/2

Multiply the numerators: 6 × 15 = 90
Multiply the denominators: 25 × 2 = 50

Step 3: Simplify (if possible)
If the resulting fraction can be simplified, you should do so. In this case, the numerator and denominator do not share any common factors other than 1. Therefore, the fraction cannot be simplified further.

So, the result of dividing 6/25 by 2/15 is 90/50.

Please note that this fraction can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the GCD of 90 and 50 is 10. Dividing both numbers by 10 yields the simplest form of the fraction: 9/5.