
In the following question my opinion is #2 would be the correct answer, is this correct?

Thank You

The range of dark and light blue in the sky refers to the what of this color?

#1 Value
#2 Color Temperature

Explanation of color value:


Explanation of color temperature:

Based on the information provided, it appears that #2 Color Temperature would be the correct answer for the question "The range of dark and light blue in the sky refers to the what of this color?"

To determine the correct answer to the question, you can refer to the explanations provided for both options.

1. Color Value: The provided link (http://char.txa.cornell.edu/language/element/color/color.htm) explains color value and how it is related to the darkness or lightness of a color. It discusses the concept of value and how it represents the relative brightness or darkness of a color.

2. Color Temperature: The provided link (http://www.sizes.com/units/color_temperature.htm) explains color temperature and how it is measured in kelvins. It describes how color temperature is used to classify colors based on their warmth or coolness, and how it is often associated with light sources like the sun or different types of lighting.

Based on these explanations, you can determine which concept—color value or color temperature—is more closely related to the range of dark and light blue in the sky.