Formula for calculating cubic feet.

length(in feet) x width(in feet) x height(in feet) = volume in cubic feet.

Thank you DrBob

That's for a cube or four sided regular figures. For a cylinder, it's pi*(radius2)*height and there are other formulas for other figures.

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. You're correct that the formula I provided is specifically for calculating the volume of a rectangular or square-shaped object. It uses the length, width, and height measurements in feet to determine the volume in cubic feet.

However, for different shapes like cylinders, spheres, or irregular objects, the formula will be different. For a cylinder, you can use the formula pi*(radius^2)*height to calculate the volume in cubic feet. This formula uses the radius (the distance from the center of the base to the edge) and the height of the cylinder.

For other shapes, such as spheres or irregular objects, the formulas will depend on their specific attributes, such as radius, diameter, or other geometric properties.

It's important to remember that understanding the formula for a specific shape is key to accurately calculating its volume. Whether it's a cube, cylinder, or any other shape, having the correct formula ensures accurate results.