which of the following methodologies determine payment before services are received a. fee-for-service payment system or b. capitation system

of course, it is not capitation. Do you know what capitation means?

To determine which of the methodologies, fee-for-service payment system or capitation system, determines payment before services are received, you can examine the characteristics of each methodology.

1. Fee-for-Service Payment System:
- In a fee-for-service payment system, healthcare providers are reimbursed for each service or procedure they deliver.
- Payment is typically based on a predetermined fee schedule, where each service has an associated fee.
- The payment for services provided is determined after the services have been rendered, based on the actual services provided and the agreed-upon fees.

2. Capitation System:
- In a capitation system, healthcare providers receive a fixed, predetermined amount of money for each patient enrolled in their care, regardless of the services provided.
- Payment is typically made on a per-member, per-month (PMPM) basis, meaning that providers receive a fixed amount for each patient they care for each month, regardless of the number of services provided.
- The payment is determined before services are rendered, based on the number of patients enrolled and the agreed-upon capitation rate.

Considering the characteristics mentioned above, the capitation system determines payment before services are received. Healthcare providers receive a fixed amount per patient enrolled, regardless of the services provided. In contrast, the fee-for-service payment system determines payment after services have been rendered, based on the actual services provided and the associated fees.

So, the correct answer to your question is b. capitation system.