A railing for a deck requires pieces of redwood 4 ft 9 in., 13 ft 9 in., and 4 ft 3 in. long. What is the total length of material that is needed?


To find the total length of material needed for the deck railing, we need to add up the lengths of all the pieces of redwood.

The first piece is 4 ft 9 in.
The second piece is 13 ft 9 in.
The third piece is 4 ft 3 in.

To add these lengths together, we need to make sure that all the units are the same. Since all the measurements are in feet and inches, we need to convert the inches to feet or the feet to inches. Let's convert the inches to feet for consistency.

To convert inches to feet, we know that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches. So, we divide the number of inches by 12 to convert it to feet.

4 ft 9 in = 4 ft + (9 in / 12) ft = 4 ft + 0.75 ft = 4.75 ft
13 ft 9 in = 13 ft + (9 in / 12) ft = 13 ft + 0.75 ft = 13.75 ft
4 ft 3 in = 4 ft + (3 in / 12) ft = 4 ft + 0.25 ft = 4.25 ft

Now, we can add up the lengths:
4.75 ft + 13.75 ft + 4.25 ft = 23.75 ft

Therefore, the total length of material needed for the deck railing is 23.75 feet.