A baker needs between 40lb and 50 lb of a sugar mixture that contains ten times as much flour as sugar. what are the possible weights of flour the baker can use



To find the possible weights of flour the baker can use, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the weight of sugar in the mixture is 'x' pounds. Since the mixture contains ten times as much flour as sugar, the weight of flour in the mixture would be 10x pounds.

According to the problem, the total weight of the mixture is between 40 lb and 50 lb. So we can set up an inequality as follows:

40 ≤ x + 10x ≤ 50

Simplifying this, we get:

40 ≤ 11x ≤ 50

To isolate 'x', divide all sides of the inequality by 11:

40/11 ≤ x ≤ 50/11

Now, we can find the range of possible weights for 'x', which represents the weight of sugar in the mixture:

3.64 ≤ x ≤ 4.54

Since the weight of flour in the mixture is 10 times the weight of sugar, we can find the range of possible weights for flour by multiplying the corresponding weights of sugar by 10:

36.4 ≤ 10x ≤ 45.4

Hence, the possible weights of flour the baker can use are between 36.4 lb and 45.4 lb.