A cylinder has a diameter of 6 ft and a height of 3 ft. Find its surface area and volume.

Surface area: 2*PI*Diameter + height*PI*D

Volume: PI r^2 * height



To find the surface area and volume of a cylinder, we can use the formulas:

Surface Area = 2πr² + 2πrh
Volume = πr²h

- r is the radius of the cylinder (half of the diameter)
- h is the height of the cylinder
- π (pi) is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159

Let's calculate the surface area and volume of the given cylinder:

1. Find the radius:
The diameter of the cylinder is 6 ft, which means the radius is half of that, so the radius (r) would be 6 ft / 2 = 3 ft.

2. Calculate the surface area using the formula:
Surface Area = 2πr² + 2πrh

Substituting the values:
Surface Area = 2π(3 ft)² + 2π(3 ft)(3 ft)

Surface Area = 2π(9 ft²) + 2π(9 ft²)

Surface Area = 18π ft² + 18π ft²

Surface Area = 36π ft²

So, the surface area of the cylinder is 36π ft².

3. Calculate the volume using the formula:
Volume = πr²h

Substituting the values:
Volume = π(3 ft)²(3 ft)

Volume = π(9 ft²)(3 ft)

Volume = 27π ft³

So, the volume of the cylinder is 27π ft³.