my son has vocabulary words using in sentences, I don't understand these word and their meanings, please, make a sentences using these words please

1. enthusiastic
2. assure
3. peculiar
4. pastel
5. translation
6. insisted

First, for safety's sake, only use your first name when signing on.

All of these words can be looked up in an online dictionary, if you do not have a hard copy of one.

Enthusiastic = eager, looking forward to

He was enthusiastic about starting school.

Peculiar = different, unique, not necessarily in a positive way

In contrast to others, he has a peculiar way of doing things.

Translation = changing from one mode of communication to another, especially a language

The translation of "salud" in Spanish is "health" in English.

I'll leave you or your son to look up the rest.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Another thought...

With sentences, and a foreign language, I found it easy to teach my kids to start with a verb. If the word is already a verb, that's the easiest thing. If it's not, you have to find a verb that works well with that. I will give you one so you can see the process.

"Enthusiastic" is the word I'll choose, since PsyDAG already told you what that means.

Enthusiastic is an adjective. Almost any adjective, you can use the verb "to be."

First, ask the question, "Who?" In this case, "Who is enthusiastic?"

Answer: Matt
Matt is enthusiastic.

That's a very simple sentence. To make it more complex, keep asking questions. "When?" "Why?" etc.

When? Today
Why? He's starting a new job next week.

Today, Matt is enthusiastic because he starts a new job next week.

You can ask other questions:
"How often?"

Once you start answering questions, making sentences is pretty easy. You just have to put it all together.

Can I also add a word of advice. I used to work in a school where a teacher did not have a great grasp of english yet used to set questions like this. In his classes there were several very bright pupils who used to give answers to this type of problem using less familiar meanings of the words. The pupils used to complain to me as their Tutor when the teacher marked the answer wrong.

For example

The church of St Michaels is in a different peculiar to that of St James.

As a result of translation the block was six metres further forward.

So the advice is to stick to the common or usual meaning of the word.

Here are some good online dictionaries. They almost always have sample uses of each word.

Of course! Here are some sentences using the vocabulary words you provided:

1. "She was so enthusiastic about the project that she couldn't stop talking about it."
Explanation: To find the meaning of "enthusiastic," you can either use a dictionary or search for the word online. Once you understand the concept, you can create a sentence that reflects excitement or passion.

2. "I assure you that everything will be taken care of."
Explanation: To grasp the meaning of "assure," once again, you can refer to a dictionary or do an online search. In this sentence, the speaker is promising or guaranteeing that something will be done.

3. "His peculiar habits often drew the attention of others."
Explanation: To understand "peculiar," you can use a dictionary or conduct an online search. In this sentence, the word is used to describe unique or unusual habits that stand out.

4. "She chose a pastel-colored dress for the party."
Explanation: To comprehend the meaning of "pastel," you can refer to a dictionary or look it up online. In this sentence, it is used to describe light, soft colors typically associated with pastels.

5. "He needs a translation of the document in Spanish."
Explanation: To understand "translation," you can refer to a dictionary or search for the word online. In this sentence, it means converting or rendering a document or text from one language to another.

6. "She insisted on going to the concert despite feeling unwell."
Explanation: To grasp the meaning of "insisted," you can refer to a dictionary or do an online search. In this sentence, it indicates that someone strongly demanded or held firmly to their decision.