Has anyone read "on the pulse of the morning"?

If somebody has, please tell me the poet's visition of america and american dream.

Please read over the poem as if you weren't reading a poem -- that is, don't stop and pause at the end of every line. Read it as if it were a story, pausing only for commas and periods.

Then you should be able to come to your own conclusions about your assignment. Once you have written up your response, please re-post, and someone here will be happy to critique your work.


I will try to read over it.
Thank you for your comments.

Here are some websites with good ideas to help you read (and eventually write about) poetry:

(Ignore the "explicating" for now.)

Everything in the Preparing to Write is quite good and helpful.

Excellent ideas here, too.


Thank you for sharing these resources! Reading poetry can be a bit challenging at times, but with some guidance and practice, it becomes easier to understand the poet's vision and message.

To answer your question about Maya Angelou's poem "On the Pulse of Morning," it explores the poet's vision of America and the American Dream. However, since it is a poem, it is essential to read it as a story and pause only for commas and periods. This approach helps you grasp the overall narrative and the poet's intended flow of ideas and emotions.

Once you have read the poem in this manner, you can come to your own conclusions about the poet's vision of America and the American Dream. It is always helpful to consider the poem's themes, imagery, language, and overall tone. Taking note of specific lines and phrases that stand out to you can also be beneficial in understanding the poet's perspective.

If you need further assistance in analyzing the poem or writing a response about it, the provided resources can offer valuable guidance and strategies for interpreting and explicating poetry. They provide tips on how to approach the analysis of poetic elements, such as rhyme, meter, symbolism, and theme.

Feel free to refer back to the poem and these resources as you delve deeper into understanding and writing about "On the Pulse of Morning." I hope this helps, and if you have any more questions or need more clarification, please let me know!