Identify 2 factors that led to prohibition

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Two factors that led to prohibition in the United States were the Temperance Movement and the influence of powerful interest groups.

1. Temperance Movement: The Temperance Movement, also known as the Prohibition Movement, was a social and political campaign that emerged in the early 19th century. It advocated for the reduction or elimination of alcohol consumption in society. Supporters of the movement believed that alcohol was the root cause of various social issues, including poverty, crime, and domestic violence. They argued that by restricting or banning alcohol, society would become healthier, more productive, and morally upright.

To understand the Temperance Movement better, you could start by researching the history of the movement, including its origins and key figures involved. Look for books, articles, or academic papers on the topic. You could also explore primary sources such as speeches, articles, and pamphlets from that time period. Analyzing these sources will provide a deeper understanding of the arguments and tactics employed by the Temperance Movement.

2. Influential Interest Groups: The second factor contributing to prohibition was the influence of powerful interest groups, particularly the Anti-Saloon League (ASL). The ASL was one of the leading organizations in the Temperance Movement. It had significant political influence and used grassroots activism, lobbying, and campaign contributions to promote prohibition.

To learn more about the Anti-Saloon League and the role of interest groups in the prohibition era, you can explore reliable historical accounts that detail the activities and strategies of the ASL. Many books and scholarly articles have been written on this topic, providing insights into the organization's leadership, tactics, and political alliances. Additionally, examining primary sources such as letters, meeting minutes, and newspaper articles can help you understand the specific actions taken by the ASL and other interest groups to push for prohibition.

Overall, a thorough understanding of the Temperance Movement and the influence of interest groups is essential for identifying the key factors that led to prohibition. By immersing yourself in the historical context and analyzing relevant sources, you can gain a comprehensive perspective on this pivotal period in American history.