How many yards are contained in 1.5 meters? (1.093 yards equals 1 meter)

Multiply: 1.5 * 1.093 = ?

You can use dimensional analysis.

1.5 meters x (1.093 yards/1 meter) = ?? yards.
Note how the units of meters cancel (the unit you don't want to keep) and leaves the unit yards (the unit you want to keep).

To convert meters to yards, you need to use the conversion factor that 1 meter is equal to 1.093 yards.

So to find out how many yards are contained in 1.5 meters, you simply multiply 1.5 meters by the conversion factor:

1.5 meters * 1.093 yards/meter = 1.6395 yards

Therefore, there are approximately 1.6395 yards contained in 1.5 meters.