Source-(The event which finally triggered war came on 28th June in Sarajevo, a town in the Austro-Hungarian Provence of Bosnia)

How important was the assassinations of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in causing the First World War? (5 marks)

It was like a match on dry grassland.

Let us know what you come up with; repost with what you write up if you'd like someone here to comment.

To determine the importance of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in causing the First World War, we need to consider the historical context and the series of events that followed. Here is how you could approach answering this question:

1. Understand the context: Before discussing the impact of the assassination, it is essential to understand the existing tensions and rivalries among European powers leading up to 1914. This can be done by researching the various alliances, arms race, colonial competition, and nationalist movements of the time.

2. Analyze the events: After the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife on June 28, 1914, in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary accused Serbia of being involved and issued an ultimatum. When Serbia did not fully comply, Austria-Hungary declared war.

3. Discuss the triggering effect: The assassination served as the spark that ignited long-standing tensions within Europe. Austria-Hungary's declaration of war on Serbia led to a chain reaction due to the alliance system in Europe. Russia, allied with Serbia, mobilized against Austria-Hungary. This resulted in Germany mobilizing to support Austria-Hungary, and France mobilizing in response to Germany. Consequently, the web of alliances turned a regional conflict into a global war.

4. Evaluate other underlying causes: While the assassination was an important catalyst, it is crucial to acknowledge that there were other contributing factors leading to the outbreak of war, such as imperial rivalries, militarism, economic competition, and nationalism. These factors had been building up for years.

5. Provide a balanced conclusion: In your answer, weigh the significance of the assassination against the other underlying causes. Conclude by acknowledging that the assassination was a significant event that directly triggered the war, but it alone does not account for the complex causes that had been brewing for years.

By following this approach, you will be able to assess the importance of the assassination while considering the broader context of World War I. Remember to support your analysis with historical evidence and provide a well-rounded answer to score full marks.