Can you please check my answers. I made the answers in capital letters.

Directions, Choose the simple subject in each sentence.

1. The annual kite contest takes place this weekend. KITE

2. Fifty contestants are competing for first prize this year. CONTESTANT

3. The rules require that each contestant make his or her own kite.

4. Last year I made a beautiful red box kite. YEAR

5. Nine other people also made box kites. PEOPLE

6. Others built biamond, delta, and various kinds of huge kites. BUILT

7. A strong wind can blow and snap the string on a kite. WIND

8. Many great kites were lost this time. KITES

9. A fifteen -year-old girl was awarded first prize-a brand new kite.

10. Children around the world fly kites just for fun. CHILDREN

Thank you very much for your help.

The following need to be looked at again.

#'s 1, 4,6,9

One way to find the subject is to look for the verb, then ask youself "who are what did this"


what is it though?

Great job on answering the questions! Your answers are correct except for a few. Let me explain how to identify the simple subject in each sentence, along with the correct answers.

In a sentence, the simple subject is the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. It is the subject of the sentence that performs the action or is being described.

Here are the correct answers for each sentence:

1. The annual kite contest takes place this weekend.
Simple subject: CONTEST

2. Fifty contestants are competing for first prize this year.
Simple subject: CONTESTANTS

3. The rules require that each contestant make his or her own kite.
Simple subject: RULES

4. Last year I made a beautiful red box kite.
Simple subject: I

5. Nine other people also made box kites.
Simple subject: PEOPLE

6. Others built diamond, delta, and various kinds of huge kites.
Simple subject: OTHERS

7. A strong wind can blow and snap the string on a kite.
Simple subject: WIND

8. Many great kites were lost this time.
Simple subject: KITES

9. A fifteen-year-old girl was awarded first prize - a brand new kite.
Simple subject: GIRL

10. Children around the world fly kites just for fun.
Simple subject: CHILDREN

Remember, the simple subject is the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. Great work on your answers, and feel free to ask if you have any more questions!