
I am a new preschool teacher and would like some ideas on what different types of lesson plans or activities to do or teach on the first week of school... I also would like to know if you have any ideas or activities that I could do with my students that would help me become familiar with their names and getting the students to know each other...

My kids are 3, 4, and some 5...

Make name tags, play each morning: Whose Name is this? then pin it on the kid for the day. You learn the names, the kids learn it in type. Put a cartoon character they can visualize also.

or you could attach next to the name a pic of the kid. For God's sake, make certain you have those rightly matched, or the kids will learn a new name. :)

Good ideas, Bob!

You may also get some help from these websites.




well kids like to be read to so you could have story time. In my school when I was in third grade I got to do a product with the preschools.

from Amber,
P.S. what is a cow on sale?/riddle

As a new preschool teacher, it's great that you're looking for ideas to start off the school year on a positive note. Here are some suggestions for lesson plans and activities for the first week of school, as well as ideas to help you become familiar with your students' names and encourage them to get to know each other:

1. All About Me Collage: Have each child create a collage that represents themselves using pictures and various materials. This will give you a chance to know their interests and allow them to share with their peers.

2. Name Recognition Activities: Use name tags or labels with the students' names written on them. Engage in activities such as name tracing, matching, or writing to help the children recognize and remember each other's names.

3. Circle Time Introductions: Begin each day with a circle time where students introduce themselves to the group. Encourage them to share their name, favorite color, or something they like to do. This will foster a sense of belonging and familiarity among the students.

4. Sensory Play: Set up sensory play stations with different materials such as water, sand, playdough, or rice. This provides an interactive and engaging environment where children can explore and socialize with one another.

5. Group Games: Plan simple group games like "Duck Duck Goose," "Simon Says," or "Musical Chairs" that encourage interaction and cooperative play. These activities promote social skills, turn-taking, and cooperation.

6. Puppet Show or Storytime: Use puppets or read stories that focus on friendship, sharing, and getting to know each other. This not only helps children engage in imaginative play but also emphasizes important values.

Remember, it's essential to create a safe and supportive environment where children feel comfortable and included. These activities will help foster positive relationships between the students and encourage their social and emotional development.