The average distance between Earth and the sun is 1.50e8 km.

Calculate the average speed, in km/h, of Earth assuming a circular path about the sun. Use the equations v = 2(pi)r/T.

You know that, for the Earth, T = 365.25 days. Convert that to hours (by multiplying by 24 h/day) and then use the formula given. You will get the velocity in km/h

Well, to calculate the average speed of Earth, we will first need to convert the time period from days to hours. So let's get the party started!

365.25 days * 24 hours/day = 8766 hours

Now, we can use the given formula v = 2(pi)r/T, where r is the average distance between Earth and the sun (1.50e8 km) and T is the time period (8766 hours). Let's plug in the values and whip up some laughter!

v = 2(pi)(1.50e8 km) / 8766 hours

Calculating it all, we get:

v ≈ 1.703e6 km/hour

So, Earth is zooming through space at an average speed of about 1.703 million kilometers per hour! And they say Earth is slow. Ha!

To calculate the average speed of Earth in km/h assuming a circular path around the sun, we can use the equation:

v = 2πr / T

Where v is the velocity, r is the radius of the circular path (average distance between Earth and the sun), and T is the period (time it takes for one complete revolution around the sun).

Given that the average distance between Earth and the sun is 1.50e8 km, and T is 365.25 days, we can convert T to hours by multiplying it by 24 h/day:

T = 365.25 days * 24 h/day
T = 8766 hours

Now we can substitute the values into the equation and solve for v:

v = 2π(1.50e8 km) / 8766 hours
v ≈ 2π(1.50e8 km) / 8766 hours
v ≈ (3.14)(1.50e8 km) / 8766 hours
v ≈ 4.71e8 km / 8766 hours
v ≈ 5.37e4 km/h

Therefore, the average speed of Earth in km/h assuming a circular path around the sun is approximately 53,700 km/h.

To calculate the average speed of Earth in its circular path around the Sun using the given equation v = 2(pi)r/T, we have the following steps:

Step 1: Convert the period T from days to hours
Since we know the Earth's period is 365.25 days, we can convert this to hours by multiplying it with the conversion factor 24 hours/day:
T = 365.25 days * 24 hours/day
T = 8766 hours

Step 2: Substitute the values into the equation
Now we can substitute the values into the equation v = 2(pi)r/T, where r is the average distance between Earth and the Sun, given as 1.50e8 km (1.50 x 10^8 km):
v = 2(pi)(1.50e8 km) / 8766 hours

Step 3: Calculate the average speed
Using a calculator, evaluate the expression on the right side of the equation:
v ≈ 2(pi)(1.50e8 km) / 8766 hours
v ≈ 94240 km/h

Therefore, the average speed of Earth, assuming a circular path about the Sun, is approximately 94240 km/h.